A lot of other things changed too. One of the biggest changes in direction was deciding that after forty years of thinking of traveling in a motorhome and seeing the country it should be a reality. So we sold the house and any dropped any possibility of building a solar room and went on the road. For several years we did whatever our whim directed us to do. There was a few thing that we did because it was one of the "right" things to do. We have seen some people that are no longer alive and are really glad we added them to our agenda. I think that our summers are going to continue that way, but it feels like our winters are changing.
When we first came to Bentsen Grove Resort we spent a lot of time attending the activities that were going on and we did not have any duties or anywhere we felt we had to be at any particular time. That started to change when I said I could burn a single custom CD of music for the instructor of the line dancing class. That led to more custom CDs for him and also for other people. Then that led to making many copies of that CD for the dancers in the class. The whole idea was to have all the songs that they dance to on one CD, but every time there are a few new songs to dance to there needs to be a new CD produced. Last year I decided that it would be a really good thing if someone was to make an instructional DVD so that the dancers could have something to watch and practice with when they were away from that "classroom" and at home. I cannot volunteer anyone else to do that no matter how good the idea might be. So the idea rattled around in my mind till I bought a camcorder last summer. I have taken many hours of video of the instruction and the class dancing. I was very naive in my estimation of the time it would require to produce a simple DVD. With no instruction from anyone that had done it I have struggled and stumbled to finally create a DVD. I am not about to say it is good, but I am willing to say it is better than nothing. Now I have a lot more respect for the editors of film that I did before. I do not think it would be wrong to say that for every minute of video that I used I discarded an hour of video, maybe more. In the process I have learned a tremendous amount about what works and what is best ignored. This is just dance class.
In the Computer Club I have been teaching (leading, directing, being mouthy in) the second, so called advanced session of the weekly meeting. I have very much decided that all it takes to become known as computer savvy is to know just one thing more than somebody else. To get that way it only takes a willingness to experiment with the different programs on a computer and not be afraid to try doing something you have not done before and learn from the mistakes made. I have told people that I am willing to help them with their computers and am willing to help them figure out what they need to know. This has led to a lot of evenings that went till 9:00 (sometimes later) of helping with a computer. That led to my suggesting that we set aside an hour, three times a week, to have a personal help workshop. That has been a lot more valuable than I would have guessed. It has also been a lot more time consuming than I hoped. Basically a lot of computer help needs take more than an hour to satisfy. Some problems can be fixed in just a couple minutes of time. I did not have to make more that the suggestion to have several people want to help. It has been good for the people that showed up to ask a question.
Recently when a front was pushed further south than normally happens a lot of the vegetation got frost damaged. A lot of plants that I have never seen without leaves have lost all their leaves. I have been spoiled in the years past here by no frost or freezing temperatures. The citrus trees do not seem to have been damaged very much. There is still so much fruit that is available that it is hard to believe. I get an offer of fruit nearly every day.
The show season is in full swing here at Bentsen Grove. There seems to be at least three professional shows a week, for which tickets have to be purchased. Then there are shows that are put on by the park residents strictly for the park residents. While the talent may be lacking in some cases it is so much fun to see people we know on stage. The most recent show was a "Fun Night With The Stars". The residents dressed up like singers and lip synced with some song of the star. Some were good enough that it was hard to tell they were not doing the actual singing. The hall was full of people that were having a good time.
No to be right honest I never heard of the Soggy Bottom Boys either, but I have heard of the Foggy Mountain Boys. The song they sang was from "Oh Brother, Wherefore Art Thou." So maybe the singers in the movie went by that name.
Both Erma and I have been messing around with colds or something similar. I am not sure if whatever it is that I have is contagious or not. But I have been limiting my public activities to a minimal amount. It has caused some increased duties for others but I would guess that they would rather do more and have me keep the germs at home. At least I hope they think that, I would if the tables were changed.
Till later this is Uncle Duck