Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dance Party

The Bentsen Grove Line Dancing Class decided that this last Thursday was the proper day to do the oneryness that we were going to pull on our dance instructor. Class started just like any normal day. It was planned that as soon as he played the song Magic Moments every member of the class would totally get mixed up as to how the dance started. We have shirts that say "I know this dance... Now how does it start?" So it was an appropriate thing to do. He counted off the starting beat and it went down hill from there. During the chaos several people slipped out to another room. Roger finally stopped the music, I think it was difficult because he was laughing so hard. So he started another song and it was going well. The dancers were actually dancing the right steps. I had positioned myself close to him in the front row of dancers. I also had my phone turned up to high volume. When the phone rang there was no way that everybody in the hall missed the fact that I had to rush out the door to answer the call. I went around the building and into another door. Then when the "special dancers" were ready I went busting into the dancing area, calling out that we had to "Stop the Music!" because we had a bunch of new people that wanted to be taught to dance and they even had their own music. The "special dancers" were those that had slipped out and put on some crazy clothes and were using walkers, canes and crutches to be able to walk. The music I had gotten just the day before in an e-mail that I had received. It actually was music that could be danced to but it was weird to say the least.

So while the song was playing the "special dancers" were staggering and cavorting around and really putting on quite a show. Then when we got through with the fun we had a presentation of a card that was filled with "appreciation" money that the dancers had contributed. And of course there was suddenly a table full of food to eat and drinks to go with it. We had a ball. After that we even had some time left for some serious dancing.





It is hard to believe that it has been a week since we had that "ornery" party. I have been working with people nearly day on their computers. I have been able to create a bunch of DVDs for the dance class participant. There is a lady from another park that created the first DVD from a VHS and then I copied them to blank discs and put on a fancy label so they look very nice. Now not only do people have a copy of the songs they have danced to they have a DVD that show how the steps are done, and they can show people that they really do dance.

I have often heard from people that retired that their lives have become busier after they retired than it had been before. I sure am finding that to be true. If I had to do all this, maintain a house, take care of the lawn and work forty hours I do not know how I would keep up. Retirement is good and I recommend to any one who can do it.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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