Monday, April 20, 2009

Less And Less People

It seems that it was just a couple days ago that I posted here but I guess it has been longer than it seem

It would seem that as more people leave Bentsen Grove there would be less for me to do. And I guess that is actually the way it is. I am finding enough to do to keep just as busy, I have only changed my emphasis. I have a lot of music that I have put on my computer this year that is just labeled with a number. So I am trying to figure out what the song is and get a name for it so that the computer can find the song quickly. Also because the CDs that these came from were various composites that were created for line dancing there is a lot of duplication. Since I really only need to have one good recording I want to eliminate the extra recordings. That is going to take a fair length of time.

There is a new deli that has been opened in town that we went to today. McAllisters has a very surprising variety of food. They have a lot of sandwiches and soup and salad and even pizzas. It is a place worth going to for a meal. We went with friend from the park and had a great time. It is too bad that there has to be an excuse to go out to a meal with friends. We did sort of ask for a favor and now we have "planted an ob" that we will have to pay off to someone someday.

Our neighbors across the street planted two tomatoes when they got here last December. In Kansas where I grew up or in Colorado where I lived for forty years tomatoes only grow from May to September during an average year. Occasionally the season is longer but not often. It is never from November to April except in a green house. Here in Texas tomatoes can be started in December and they will grow here outside all winter long. They will even produce ripe tomatoes within a couple months of planting. When our neighbor left for the cold and snowy north (why people are going north to snow and cold is beyond me) they left the tomatoes for me to care for and enjoy till I leave for parts elsewhere. We are getting about three ripe tomatoes every day, and we are enjoying every one of them. I have to be quick or the birds will peck holes in the red fruit. In fact I am trying to catch the fruit while it is barely red and letting it ripen inside away from the birds. There is a danger in picking the tomatoes that I did not know about until today. I am wearing a pair of sandals and I noticed a pain on one foot. There was an ant on my arch that was working hard to bite me. I flicked it off and saw another biting in another spot. In all there were at least five ants that bit that one foot. I think the next time I go over I will wear closed top shoes and stomp hard on the asphalt before going home.

Erma is keeping the line dancing going every day. A week ago there were eight to ten people that came to dance. There are still quite a few people that are coming, six today, but every couple of days there is someone that leaves and the group gets smaller. Since it is not a formal class we play any song that we want and do not feel the need to play the songs that are being "taught." Now that means that Erma does a lot more dancing than I do.

We learned to play a new card game the other day. It is called Wizard. I understand that the cards for it are a bit difficult to find. But one person said that they found them at the flea market. From what I hear there is about anything you want at the flea markets, or as they are sometimes called the "Pulga." I guess that is Spanish for flea. So shouldn't that be mercado pulga? Anyway it is a fun game that uses a regular deck of cards plus eight additional cards. A no pressure game, easy to learn, and that is the kind I like.

I got a picture from a friend in Colorado where I lived before I retired and I had to send one back to him so he would know what it is like down here. I will share both with you.



I much prefer the lower picture to the top one.

If it were not for the computer sessions I might lose track of all time, but because of it I have to keep track of the day of the week.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

1 comment:

  1. Doug, sounds like you are still keeping busy. We sure miss Bensten Grove, we are in Albuquerque right now at the RV rally. It was really cold on Friday (17) and even had some snow showers that didn't stick. Leaving here tomorrow for Cortz, CO for a week. Tell Erma hi and sure wish we were there. Alicia
