Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Concert

In the last few days more people that we know have left Bentsen Grove for their summer homes. It is getting too hot for those that do not want to stay year round. I can understand that. I definitely do not like the hot weather as much as I use to. But then I don't think a whole lot of good things about the cold weather either. I think I have become a fair weather person.

With the absence of people I think that more birds have moved into the park. At least they are more apparent if nothing else. There are mourning dove that must be nesting very close to our motorhome perhaps right in the trees above it. Almost anytime during the night that I am up I hear their cooing. I grew up thinking that the birds went to roost at night and became quiet. Either that is not true or something is different in the south than it was in Kansas or Colorado. When we were in Key West for a month some time ago there were roosters that would crow all through the night. I know that was different than I had ever experienced ever before.

In the 2007-2008 season a friend here in Bentsen Grove with a few other people, put on a performance of lip syncing to a song from the soundtrack of "O Brother, Where Art Thou". They called themselves the Soggy Bottom Boys. I had the soundtrack CD and had listened to it many times and liked it. I loaned it to my friend so he could practice. What I did not realize was that the Soggy Bottom Boys actually was the name of the group that performed the song originally. It was not until I was listening to the album again that I realized the mistake I was making in my thinking.

This afternoon we went over to the Assisted Living facility where my MIL, Helen, is living now. There was a group of ten saxophone players that put on a concert. I heard that they come to perform every once in a while. They are from one of the local colleges music departments. The put on a fine performance. I thought it rather odd that while I knew the music of almost everything that they performed but yet when they told what the name of the song or where it was from was totally foreign to me. It simply goes to show how often we hear a song without knowing what it is and it sticks in our mind.

We are not doing anything special these days. We just biding our time till we make some decisions about how we will handle the summer months. We go out to eat every couple days. We have been trying to go to either some new place or to some places that we have enjoyed in the past and have not been lately. That may not be a good thing right now. I cannot say exactly why but our list of places that will never be a destination to eat is growing longer every week. We have been in places that we liked last year and when we leave we say, "Well, if we don't go back we have not missed much." And that is unfortunate.

The temperature on the thermometer of the Jeep indicated 103 degrees today. Sure am glad that we have a well working AC in the motorhome. If we did not it would be miserable to stay here.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

1 comment:

  1. Doug, sounds like you are getting lonely there. We are still in Grand Junction camping in their side yard. Not bad, but they work all day, so have the use of house. Grandson graduates on the 13th so will be leaving sometime after that. If you guys make it around eastern Iowa in your summer travels, let me know. Would love to visit with you.
