Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mystery Solved

I have been putting off doing certain jobs around the motor home for quite a while. I finally got some of the work started today. I thought I would get up and do some washing of the exterior of the Vectra. I figured that I could wash one end and one side before it got into direct sunlight. I don't like to wash anything when it is in the sun. The spotting is just too fast when the sun shines on the finish. As it turned out I was able to wash the whole thing. Thanks to the trees the sun was blocked enough that I could work on all sides. I am not about to say that I got it clean, I will only say that I got a few pounds of dirt off of it. There is a film that seems to defy washing in the normal way. Also the water here (and everywhere else I have washed this motorhome) leaves lots of spots of its own. It is particularly noticeable on any glass surface, but it is all over. Once I get the soap washed off and it air dries I have to go back over it with a waterless cleaner and then I sort of figure that it is clean. At least the windshield is clean enough to see out of again. The front was about all that I got cleaned with the waterless. Maybe I can get more done in the next few days.

I really have the feeling that I am almost totally out of touch with the time of year that it is. About 9:00 we decided that we wanted to go out and get a burger. We drove to What-A-Burger and ordered. There was some kids leaving just as we were heading to a booth. The girl walked by in a dress that was the prettiest shade of purple it is possible to imagine. I would be willing to bet that she was dolled up to the T's but I never saw her face so I don't know for sure. There were two boys that were also dressed in suits that made anything I have ever owned look like hand me down. I suppose that they could have been the current equivalent to tuxedos, but again that is something that thirty years ago I knew what they looked like but styles change. At any rate after we got our food I said something to Erma like, "I wonder what they were dressed up for?" "Probably prom." Of course, ever year about this time the kids get dressed up and go to prom. Proms today are so different than they were in the school that I went to in small town Kansas back in 1959 or 1960. About the only thing the same that I see is the time of year. But as I meant to indicate I have not idea what time of year it is.

I did get a mystery solved. There is a fellow that drives around in a golf cart and pulls a small red wagon. The wagon is just about big enough to hold a lawn mower and that is frequently what he has in it. He does a lot of yard work around the park for different people. A couple weeks ago I was talking to him and he told me that for forty some years he had a lawn service company. I guess that he is simply unable to stop doing that sort of work. He is the one that put the netting around the tomato plants of my neighbor. He has been watering the plants in addition to the watering that I have been doing. Also he has fertilized the plants which I am unable to do. So when I leave I will leave the tomatoes for him to harvest for a few more weeks or hopefully months. I got permission today to do that from the fellow that owns the plants. In addition to the tomato care the fellow has been picking up any fruit that falls off the orange tree and throwing it away too. He deserves some reward for doing the work so I hope the tomatoes continue to produce.

This year there has only been one time that we went up to see the green parrots when I had a camera and was just recently. W have been up there earlier this year but I did not have the camera at those times. I about half was expected the season for the gathering to be past and to some extent I guess that is right. There was only about 10 to 15 percent of the normal number of birds and even the grackles were mostly missing. But there were enough for me to take a few pictures, well about a hundred, and there was at least one worth saving. Not a good one but kinda nice so I will include it here.


Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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