Friday, May 15, 2009

Travel Days

The day before yesterday was a travel day and today was a travel day. We left Bentsen Grove after five and a half months and started north. We did not try to get out early. In fact I was quite content to leave before noon, which we were able to do without any problem. We have taken our time as usual, made several stops to stretch or fuel or to have lunch or whatever. The weather was about as good as could be hoped to have. It was hot, about 96-98 both days. We ran the motor home generator so we could run the big AC all the time and it was nice. I needed to run the generator anyway. It needs to run once in a while just to keep in in shape.

We stopped just on the south side of San Antonio in a camp where we have stayed before. We spent a day seeing some of the area near San Antonio that we have not visited before. The town of Poteet claims to be the strawberry capital of Texas. They also claim to have the world's largest strawberry and while the town water tower is painted like a strawberry they are talking about one that is in front of the local fire department. The "world's largest" is over seven foot tall. While it is rather large I feel that there must be larger ones somewhere. Seven foot really is not very large to me. What do you think? We also thought that it was odd in the strawberry capital of Texas there was not a single strawberry field that we could find on any of the roads that we drove in the area around the town.


We came back to the campground where we were staying and received a very nice surprise. There was at least one mated pair of Killdeers that had four small babies that were running around the vacant lots. I actually think there was another young one that was somewhat older around but I only saw it a few seconds and only that one time. The four little killdeer were so cute. They were not much more than a ball of feathers on the top of two sticks of legs. The adults have long legs, but the little ones seem to have longer legs than they should. The legs even seem to get longer when they run. The parents seem to have a hard time keeping the little ones under control. One of them was always going away and then the parents would cry constantly until it would finally come back close. There is no other way to describe them except to call them "cute." We spent a long time time watching them.


We did stop by Mission San Jose on the way home. We have visited there twice before. I saw thing this time that I do not remember seeing on the other visits. It amazes me to realize that the chapel that today is plain stone was at one time covered with bright colored frescos of red and blue crosses and with yellow and orange squares to simulate great depressed stones. There is one section that still has some of the frescos that can be seen on the outside. At one time the whole building was covered with paintings that has been lost to the weathering of nature

We are now in Thackerville, Oklahoma for one night and then from here we go on to Wichita, Kansas. We still have several days yet to get to Erma's class reunion so we can still take it easy.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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