A bit over a week ago I came down with a cold. I kept telling Erma and her Mother that the cold was mine and they were not allowed to have any of it. This was my cold and I did not like it so I wanted to make sure that I killed it totally. I did not need any help, I could handle it all by myself. Do you think they would listen? NO! They had to take some of it away from me. And they could not handle it as well as I could. I had to take Erma to the Dr. She was not able to breath like she should. The Dr gave her a nebulizer treatment and within ten minutes, the time it took for the treatment, she was breathing better, looking better, and feeling like she would actually breathe to see another day. She also got a shot and a prescription for some medication and a prescription for a nebulizer to use at home. Last summer she got pneumonia and spent two days in the hospital. At least she did not have a rebout of that. One good thing from last summer was the fact that we still had medicine to use in the nebulizer. She is slowly recovering and getting better every day. It will be at least a week before she back to normal. She is missing some line dancing and that is bothering her almost as much as anything else.
Now my MIL is somewhat different. She caught some of the cold I did not want her to have, not as bad as Erma but when you are 87 any cold will knock the props out from under your feet. But she did something else too. While getting to the table to eat one day she was refusing any help and actually fighting against attempt to assist her. So we simply left her do it herself. That was a mistake in itself. While we were on the other side of the table she fell backwards and hit the corner of a paper shredder that was setting by the TV. Anybody that fell on that thing would be hurting and she is. Now it is hard for her to do anything between the cold and a back that is hurting badly. I have had enough hurt backs to know what it is like, and I was a lot younger than I am even now.
One day earlier this week I thought I was going to have a quiet evening to catch up on some of the work that I needed to do at home and on the computer. It was not long before a friend of mine asked for help getting some music burned on a CD so that he fulfill a promise he had made to another person. For some unknown reason his computer will not burn a CD that is playable on the average CD player. So I am trying to get the music on to my computer and then burn a CD with my equipment that will play where it is needed. We got the job done finally. But it was starting to get late.
There was a knock on the door. Another friend was having trouble getting his e-mails. I brought up his e-mail account on my computer and made an adjustment and made a suggestion. Go home, try this and it should work. It didn't. He came back and I noticed that it was 9:30. When he came back I could go to his house and I was able to make some changes that seem to be working. At least I have not heard that he is having further trouble. I still have a couple people that I have promised to go help and I have to get that done soon.
There is a tool (template) that is used in quilling to allow the rolled paper to expand. Simply put it is a thin piece of plastic with a bunch of holes of different sizes drilled through it. Wit so many new people coming to class there is a need of many of these templates. The instructor has sold all the ones he made before he came south last fall. A week or so I made four of them and they were all gone the first evening. The instructor and I made nine more of them Tuesday. I got mixed up about the day of the week it was and missed dance class. But then I was also trying to play nurse to my ladies. It was also the day that I took m wife to the Dr.
On Wednesday our dance class performed five dances on stage at the park meeting. I think everybody had a good time. Most of the dancers must have been nervous because we are not in the habit of performing for a couple hundred people. Still it was fun. I have been asked to write a letter to the activities director here at the park to see if we can put on an evening performance some time next year. Several other groups have special evening performances.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck