Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Morning

This post is causing me trouble this morning, or actually afternoon now for some reason. I have tried several time to post it and it has failed. So one more time.

Here it is Sunday morning and the sun is shining brightly. Very soon it will be time to head to church. I am not sure that I will be appreciated at church if I get to coughing but I will try anyway. I woke up Friday morning with a cold. Thursday it was just a tickle in my throat. I should have started doing some then, but I never did anything. I have too many things to do to mess with a cold. I missed most of the dance class on Saturday. I stayed home to get some extra sleep. Maybe that helped because I feel better this morning.

I am known by people around the park because of leading of the sessions of the computer class. They see me in front and listen to my presentations and know my name, but I don't know their names. The same thing is starting to happen with the people in quilling class. I am the guy that makes the quilling boards. The fact that I have only make four of them does not make any difference it seems. Evidently the instructor told the four people that got the boards that I made them and then they pointed me out to other people. I have enough material to make nine more boards and I think I need to get busy whether I feel like doing it or not.

When I make a CD I print a design of some sort directly on the disc itself, and there is a case insert that goes into the case that matches the design on the CD. I have a feeling that our dance instructor has shown these to instructors of other dance classes at other parks and thus there has been some indication that I may be asked to burn CDs for them too. On Saturday there was one instructor that was going to come talk to me about it but she got sick and did not come. What will come from that I do not know.

There is a group in the park here that calls itself "Little Theater". Once or twice a year (season might be a better word) they put on a performance for the park. One was yesterday. The premise of the show was a party at which each of the actors had to tell a true story about themselves or tell a funny story that they had heard. It was a very good performance and I enjoyed it a lot. Just the dialog leading from one story or joke to the next was funny. Something that I notice is that a high percent of the jokes that people tell are ones that I have already heard. There are very few "new" jokes. Now that does not mean that they are not still funny, the presentation is worth a lot. Out of the roughly twenty stories and jokes presented there was only one that I had not heard before. The Internet is a source of jokes that is beyond belief, and I am sure that most of the jokes came directly from it. One fellow told a true (he claimed) story that I had not read.

One mans trash is definitely another mans gold. We had a sunflower growing just in front of our motor home that had a few dozen flowers on it. We really enjoyed it a lot. It was growing taller and putting on more blooms and getting prettier few days. To us it was just about pure gold. Then this last week the maintenance workers came by with their weed eaters and cut it down and left a jagged dead stem. I know that to many people a sunflower is just a weed. I grew up in Kansas and cut down a lot of sunflowers because they were in the corn fields or bean fields. But I also enjoyed the sunny blooms when they grew along the fence rows. I miss my beautiful sunflower.


Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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