Monday, February 9, 2009

Teaching About Blogs

It is odd to think that I only learned to do anything with blogs in mid-January and today I was displaying my knowledge to other people at the Bentsen Grove Computer Club. I am sure that there is at least one person in the meeting that knew more about what I was telling than I did. She was willing, thank goodness, to speak up and help me when I hit a stumbling block. And believe me there were some stumbling blocks. For one thing I think that I was too much in the middle of the room to get a great Internet connection.

I have gotten into quilling this year. Myself and a WHOLE bunch of other people are starting it for the first time. The instructor is running out of tools for people to use. I have recently become acquainted with a couple that bought a home here in the park that has a shop in the back. Because I have gone to their home and worked on their computer I was invited to use their shop anytime I needed it. So I took them up on their offer. I went there today and made a couple tools that are needed by quillers. If the instructor or I can make a few of these inexpensive tools that can be sold for a couple dollars instead of making the people buy expensive tools it would be a good thing for them. If they get into doing a lot more then they can justify the purchase of higher quality and more expensive tools later. Maybe we can improve the quality of the class. The next step will be to find somewhere we can get some formica, cheap.

There is a new post at as of about an hour ago.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

1 comment:

  1. Doug, thanks for sharring, I am going to enjoy reading your day to day events. You did just fine at Club yesterday. I was told by another, that they get alot out of your prestations.....and you did have one person start a blog right there in class. Keep up the great work.
