Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Day Of Dancing

The days pass so quickly that it is hard to believe. On Sunday we went to church as usual and then went to Mimi's Cafe. The food is always good there and I recommend that is you have not been to one, go when you can. I have not ordered anything that was a disappointment. I had their ribs and they were almost as good as the ones that Tony Roma serves. Tony Roma's gives you a hot towel to clean the hands at the end of the meal and that is really nice. We sure can get spoiled at some places. Mimi's is not geared towards ribs so they cannot be expected to provide all the services.

I have been helping more people with their computers. I don't consider myself really knowledgeable on computers. What I have found out is that a slight knowledge looks like high ability to those that know even less. I know this because I feel that way towards others that have greater abilities than I do. At any rate I try to do what I can for others and Sunday afternoon was spent that way. Most of Monday afternoon following the computer club meeting was also spent doing the same type of things. Some things are very simple, like how do you rip a CD to the computer and how do you burn information to a CD, or how do you adjust the font type and font size in a word document. That kind of information is the kind I can help with.

We had a fast trip today. My mother in law fell in the motor home and smacked her face into something and messed up her nose. My wife was sure that it was broken, so we quickly went to the hospital. By the time we got to the emergency drop off her nose was looking a lot better rather than a lot worse. The color was about normal, except for the skinned areas and what looked like swelling did not seem to be so swollen. So I told my wife to feel her nose and she did not feel anything abnormal and the MIL said it did not hurt at all. We turned around and drove back home. Tonight my MIL seems to be fine. That is if you consider a skinned nose fine.

We went up to an adult day care center to dance today. It was very hot in the center and the humidity was rather high so it was not the best conditions to dance. The floor was a beautiful tile that should have been good to dance on, but I think the humidity caused it to be sticky and hard for dancing. The people really seemed to enjoy our dancing and did an lot of clapping and moving with the music. We wer invited to come back any time and dance again. One of the workers said that this coming Thursday they were having a live band come in to celebrate the 49th anniversary of a couple there. She said that they would be dancing a diferent type of dance and Erma asked her for a demo for us. Two of the worker ladies grabbed a couple men and showed us what they would do. In fact at one point one of the guys got a Bentsen Grove girl to dance with and the woman got me to dance with her. I don't think I have danced like that since I was in college. And that is a long time ago. I think everybody had a good time. We went back to the hall and practiced our dances after we left the day care center. I heard a lot of comment that indicated that the dancer had a good time.

I was given several small quilling kits by a lady here in the park along with a couple tool. She said to give them to someone that would use them. Three different ladies took the kits and some sort of card making tools. There was a couple tools that I can use. Every class seems to have some new people that want to learn and tonight was not any different. One lady said they came down here for a week and want to stay longer but can't. She learned as much as she could and said she would be back next year for longer. Now where have I heard that before.

It is getting late, so more later, I'm tired. I have had a long day.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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