Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Busy Days

There was a time that I have made a statement like, "I need to go back to work to rest up from vacation." Right now I almost to need to get back on the road so I can rest up from the activities of sitting at home. Yesterday was one of those days.
We started the day by going to an adult day care center to dance for the people that are there. There was at least twenty-some of us that went to dance. While we were there we taught the people a very simple dance. A lot of them really seemed to enjoy doing it. I don't care much for the music that we do it to, but they enjoyed the dancing.


When we got done dancing there we went back to finish our dance class lesson. Then grab a quick lunch and go to a performance of the the Bentsen Grove Texas Cloggers. These ladies really put on a good show. I would never survive that much activity with my legs. The are much too fast on the feet.

I had obtained some material to make some expansion templates for the quilling class. A lot of new people are coming into the class and the instructor does not have enough tools. I have developed a friendship with a couple that bought a park model here that had a well equipped shop with it.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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