Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Busy Day

There was at time that I said that a vacation was a time in which I did so much that I had to go back to work so I could rest up from the vacation. I may have to start saying that I will have to go back to the road to rest up from staying in one location.

Yesterday started early and then the dance class that I am in went to an adult day care center and put on a dance performance for the people there. It was great to have the people at the center tapping their feet and clapping their hands along with the music. We even got many of them up and taught them a very simple dance. Before I left one of the ladies asked when we were going to be coming back. I had no idea, but I said "I think next month." I found out that I was accidentally right.


Right after dancing at the center we went back to continue our dance class. Then it was a quick lunch. Then to a clogging show in the afternoon. Then I was able to get some material to make some quilling tools for quilling class. The new people need some expansion templates. By the time I made four of those I was late for class, which was okay. I gave the templates to the instructor to do with as he pleased and started to work on my quilling project. I am making a cardinal in flight. Have not decided how to finish it so will have to decide later when the bird itself is done.

I then had to leave the class because we wanted to go another show in the evening. We had seen this lady in Rockport when we were there and enjoyed her a lot. She really put on a good show.

After that I went to assist a person get conneected to the Internet. He knew a lot less than I thought he knew so it took longer than I expected. I was with them teaching and hooking up for nearly two hours. It was well after 10:00 when I got home. Don't misunderstand, I am volunteering for all of this and I enjoy it. It keeps me off the street.

Till Later This is Uncle Duck

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